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Tasking VX-Toolset V6.3
瀏覽次數:502 日期:2019/6/3 下午 04:43:06

近日Altium宣布將推出用於TriCoreTM / AURIXTM的新TASKING VX-Toolset--V6.3。該版本提供了廣泛的改進和新功能,側重於應用程序的可靠性和性能,另一方面擴展了對AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform的支持。該版本可根據要求提供試用版。擁有維護合同的現有客戶可以免費升級到新版本。

TriCore v6.3版本的TASKING VX-Toolset是一個64位WWindoes應用軟體,具幾個新功能和改進,包括:

*Position Independent Podules (PIM)

Support for Position Independent Code and Data (PIC/PID) has been added to allow for partial updates of applications using register-relative addressing, providing huge benefits to the process of system updates once the application is in use, e.g. through fast over the air updates.

*Extended support of C11 and C++14 language extensions and libraries

The changes for C11 now include full support for C11 Atomic Types to allow for more reliable implementation of multi-core applications, while C++14 is now fully supported as per ISO C++ with adaptive Autosar implementations as the use case.

*Run-Time Stack Overflow detection

Besides an improved per core stack estimate during build time, the compiler now supports runtime monitoring of the stack to trigger either a default or custom overflow event handler to improve reliability of applications

 除了針對TriCore v6.3的TASKING VX-Toolset的增強功能外,重要的是要提及它是根據Automotive SPICE(軟件過程改進和能力確定)2級開發的。這提供了最具成本效益的方式認證ASIL B的申請,以及直至ASIL D的支持。

有關TriCore™v6.3的TASKING VX工具集的新功能和改進的更多詳細信息,請參見產品頁面