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FuturePlus系統公司日前宣布推出FS4500 DisplayPort協議分析儀
瀏覽次數:439 日期:2017/10/15 下午 11:42:16

     FuturePlus系統公司日前宣布推出FS4500 DisplayPort協議分析儀----業界首款HBR3 DisplayPort協議分析儀
FuturePlus Systems為成本效益比值高的計算機分析工具的世界領先者,率先推出業界首款HBR3 DisplayPort協議分析工具FS4500是市場上唯一可以監控任何DisplayPort source和任何一個Sink的所有HBR3流量的工具,FS4500 DisplayPort協議分析儀可由嵌入式系統設計人員使用於開發包含DisplayPort技術的計算機和外圍設備。新的工具可探測DisplayPort bus高達8.1 Gb / s,並提供了所有Bus協議的完整視圖高速Mmain link和Aux通道。

  “FuturePlus系統具有25年的協議感知Bus分析工具經驗”FuturePlus系統副總裁Barbara Aichinger表示提到:“其他工具只能作為參考source或參考sink顯示Bus traffic,然而,這不是大多數問題所在。工程師需要能夠監控所有任何surce和任何sink的bus流量,以便為市場準備好產品。我們開啟DisplayPort


 *Full Link Layer protocol analysis at 8.1 Gbps on 1,2 or 4 lanes for a total of 32.4 Gb/s 

   *DP 1.4, DP. 1.3, eDP 1.3 and DP 1.2 and 1.1a can all be supported in one tool! 

   *Several target connection probes available for the High Speed Main Link: DP cable interposer, USB Type C interposer, eDP 30 and 40 pin   interposers 

   *Main Link Layer protocol decoder displays all packets including secondary data packets, reconstructed pixel data, and audio packets

 *DP Multi Stream Transport and Single Stream Transport modes supported

 *Auxiliary channel protocol decoder displays all bi-directional traffic and users can trigger on any event

 *The Probe Manager software executing on a PC controls the analysis probe over a USB 3.0 interface in real time and can set a not-pixel recognizer to trigger on any specific pixel data of any format

 *Decodes and time correlates Aux and High Speed main link traffic

 *16Gbyte Main Link trace buffer allows for multiple frame capture and pixel by pixel analysis 

   *Helps find the source of your CTS (Compliance Test Spec) failures!